Office equipment and accessories to improve ergonomics, comfort and flexibility.

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    • 73% des salarié(e)s ne disposent pas d'un espace dédié et adapté pour le home office : pour faire rimer télétravail et confort, une installation ergonomique s’impose.

      Comfort & Ergonomics

      73% of employees do not have a dedicated space for the home office: for your comfort and convenience, an ergonomic installation is essential.

    • Un(e) salarié(e) en télétravail est 22% plus efficace qu'en présentiel. Encore faut-il qu'il (ou elle) soit correctement équipé(e)...

      Layout & Decoration

      It is important to define a place dedicated to teleworking, and to create an atmosphere where you feel good.

    • Les pauses sont des moments importants de la journée de télétravail. Pour travailler dur (et bien), il faut aussi savoir vous arrêter.

      Relaxation & Sport

      Breaks are important times. To telecommute hard (and well), you have to think about yourself and also know how to breathe. The break is necessary!

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    • Les règles d'or du télétravail
    • 1. A good seat you will choose

      2. Your screen you will enhance

      3. A dedicated space for you to set up

      4. Natural light you will optimize

      5. Suitable lighting you will choose

      6. A sound ambiance you will compose yourself

      7. You will take breaks for yourself

      8. Exercise you will do

      9. You will decorate with a few plants

      10. Storage spaces you will organize


    Teleworking is becoming more and more common and with the Covid-19 pandemic, it has become the norm for many employees. Working from home or while traveling is often advantageous, but it can also be stressful and hinder productivity.


    This is where our online store specializing in office materials and equipment for the well-being and balance of nomadic or home teleworkers comes in.

    Our selection of quality products will help arrange your workspace to improve your comfort , health and productivity . We have solutions for all types of remote workers, whether it's a permanent workspace or a mobile office.

    We believe that teleworking offers invaluable freedom to enjoy life beyond work. We therefore encourage our customers to take advantage of this independence to play sports, spend time with family or travel.


    By choosing our online store, you can be sure to find quality products to improve your workspace and your well-being. We are passionate about remote working and are happy to share our expertise with our clients to help find the right solutions.

    Visit our online store now to discover our products and arrange your workspace for better productivity and a better life balance .